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A large group of Kansas teens partied the night after Thanksgiving. One had COVID-19

Posted: 2020, Dec 06, Sun, 8:23 am
by AHE
Cheryl Hoberecht, Pawnee County health officer and administrator, said that on the night of Nov. 27 into the early morning hours of Nov. 28, there was a large social gathering of teenagers at the diversion dam outside of Dundee in Barton County.

“We had a teenager from Pawnee County who tested positive for COVID-19 and was there,” Hoberecht said. “That person knew some of those in attendance were from multiple surrounding counties including but not limited to Barton, Pawnee, Pratt and McPherson. If you or someone you know attended this large social gathering, you could have been exposed to at least one or more COVID-19 positive individuals.” ... d-covid-19