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COVID-19 reinfection is real and documented

Posted: 2020, Oct 13, Tue, 8:25 am
by AHE
patients who have recovered from the viral disease might still be at risk of getting it again.

two strains of virus were genetically distinct, signaling that it is unlikely that the man simply remained unknowingly infected with the virus in one, longer bout, the authors wrote. The paper notes that the patient’s second case of Covid-19 was more severe than his first, requiring supplemental oxygen and admission to a hospital after he suffered from shortness of breath.

immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, might in at least some cases only last for a limited period, similar to coronaviruses that cause the common cold, researchers said.

it certainly is in fact possible to be reinfected with this virus, and for the second infection to be as severe, or more severe, than the first one,” said Mark Pandori, an author of the paper who is director of Nevada’s state public health lab and an associate professor at the University of Nevada. ... 1602541808