Supplies of N95 masks running low

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Supplies of N95 masks running low

Unread post by AHE »

Some health care facilities in the U.S. lack sufficient supplies of face masks as COVID-19 cases surge across the country and manufacturers work overtime to ramp up production of personal protective equipment.

3M Company, the largest domestic manufacturer of N95 masks — which filter out least 95% of very small particles, including viruses — told CBS MoneyWatch that "U.S. and global demand for PPE continues to far exceed supply for the entire industry."

Some of 3M's health care clients are using 20 times the amount of PPE they needed before the pandemic, a company spokesperson said. 3M is also fielding requests for respirators from new clients that have never used them before.

Nine months into the pandemic, manufacturers are still limiting how many masks may be purchased, including for hospitals.

"We can't build to a 90-day supply at this point because the demand is going up across the country, which is basically what happened back in February right after all this started," said Jeff Wagner, the vice president of materials management at MidMichigan Health.

In August, seven months into the pandemic, 20% of nursing homes had a less-than-one-week supply of one or more types of PPE, according to the report. which represents a critical shortage by industry standards.

"It's critical because an outbreak could wipe out their supply in a day or two," wrote U.S. PIRG's Teresa Murray and Jamie Friedman of Frontier Group, the report's co-authors. ... -covid-19/

For more information and greater detail on the criminal lack of pandemic preparation by the Russian asset POTUS, please watch the documentary TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL

Another documentary that addresses the negligent and near non-existent lack of pandemic preparation by the Russian asset POTUS is AMERICA'S MEDICAL SUPPLY CRISIS
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